Los 3 consejos mensuales de Ana Lombard - Julio

Ana Lombard's 3 monthly tips - July

Discover in this publication the three tips that I give for this month of July. They are important to improve your daily performance.

1. Take a walk through nature and breathe in its smells

Taste the sunlight, breathe the fresh air and listen to the melody of the wind that penetrates you...

Forget stress and worries and try to relax to have greater clarity and vitality in your thoughts.


2. ​Do not look for perfection, accept yourself as you are.

Don't spend your energy wanting to be someone other than who you are.

Accept with objectivity the experiences that come into your life, think that it is a process of personal growth. Seek to learn and share.

Treat yourself with love, recognize that you are valuable @ and kind @


3. Celebrate your accomplishments, however small.

Every step counts. Feeling proud @ of yourself @ and what you're achieving every day you help increase your self-esteem.

Applaud your victories and learn from your falls, because like it or not, they will be your best teacher. Celebrate every achievement regardless of the outcome. Remember that every small triumph helps you achieve bigger goals.


For more advice like this you can follow me on my social networks, Instagram and Facebook, where you can always find advice and tips to combat stress and turn it into a positive tool in your day to day.

In addition, you will be able to work and turn my guided meditations that I have created with different themes into a routine so that each one feels and puts into practice the one they need the most.

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