3 fundamental pillars

You will learn concepts and techniques applicable in your day to day to manage stress and your emotions.


Learn to reflect for yourself on your beliefs and your patterns of ways of thinking.


Find tools to help improve your self-esteem, both personally and professionally.


Being able to grow as a person having acquired and surpassed the first two pillars.

“With my courses I have helped many people throughout the more than 10 years of experience. The course structure is easy to follow with three clear pillars to improve your daily performance.”

– anna lombard
ANA LOMBARD #POSITIVEstress terapias formadora gestion del estres . foto @JoseIrun

academy courses

With the Pack of 3 short courses you will be able to understand how to work the 3 fundamental pillars to be able to manage stress to transform it into a positive energy for your day to day.

You will discover the relationship that your emotions have with your body and how to keep your mind active and free from fear.

My courses are for those people who with a good initiative want to improve their daily performance, being able to go at their own pace, and with a guided structure.

anna lombard methodology

My Academy has a clear methodology to be able to manage stress and turn it into a positive one.

stand up

Pause and take a breath to analyze the situation.


From neutrality to see various points of view.


In an assertive and non-visceral way, with a global vision.


Adequately, and with an overview of the situation.

congratulate yourself

From the existential ego for the good work.


Your moment and re-analyze the reason for the good result.

guided meditations

By Ana Lombard

Thanks to my dear patients, I created a series of short-term meditations to be able to do it at home and get your moment of relaxation.

They are meditations in voice format with different topics such as achieving a restful sleep, recovering self-esteem, improving concentration and many more.

I want to know more about academy

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