¿Cómo alcanzar la felicidad en el trabajo?

How to achieve happiness at work?

Productivity is not seen only with the hours of presence at work. Productivity is measured based on the results obtained. Valuing your teams is also giving them tools so that they can self-manage their stress, their difficulties and their emotions.

Perfect formula to achieve happiness and performance: A company is profitable when its teams are happy working and feel WELL-BEING.

A good leader would always have to check if their teams:

They come to work PLEASED and WIN

They are motivated and have a proactive attitude, always wanting to contribute new ideas and wanting more.

They have a salary according to their needs.

The optimal goal would be:

  • Each person learns to commit themselves naturally to the company

  • Contribute the necessary #performance for both individual and collective #growth and progress.

A corporate wellness model must incorporate an emotional management plan.

If we manage to have these components, the worker:

  • Does not get sick due to #stress
  • It will achieve #commitment and intelligence both emotional and intellectual
  • We win #Happy teams = prosperous companies

Betting on teams is betting on the loyalty, satisfaction and motivation of employees, which contributes to the success of the company/organization.

In any training, Courses, or workshop that I do for companies, I always love to transmit this human dimension, so that each company can achieve teams that are happy to belong to their DNA, achieving high performance.

Discover my workshops for companies and how to get the best performance out of people who work in teams within a company. Managing stress is important, but taking advantage of it is even more so.

The model of happiness that I propose in #POSITIVEstress by Ana Lombard is always to promote INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE MENTALITIES

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