Superando el Prejuicio de la Salud Mental y Emocional con ANA LOMBARD: Una Guía Práctica

Overcome Mental and Emotional Health Prejudice with ANA LOMBARD: A Practical Guide

Mental and emotional health are two essential pillars for our well-being , which often remain hidden behind a mask of happiness, in our daily lives and on social networks. However, there are uncomfortable realities that demand our immediate attention.

According to recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 12.5% ​​of all health problems are caused by mental disorders, a figure higher than that of cancer and cardiovascular problems.

In this article, through my 4 pillars , I invite you to explore the prejudices that surround these issues and join the effort to improve them , using the Ana Lombard® methodology as a guide.

Not only will you discover the challenges, but you will also find practical tips to overcome them and put mental and emotional well-being at the forefront , whether it is yours or that of someone close to you.

Remember: “Every day is a new opportunity to reduce prejudices and chart a path towards effective solutions that improve our well-being; It is only necessary that, with a positive attitude, each one takes small steps to contribute to this change. Together, by exploring and reducing prejudices, we contribute towards a healthier future.”

1. The Invisible Face of Mental and Emotional Health with our first pillar "STOP"

Mental and emotional health is often hidden in plain sight. You can't look at someone and determine if they are struggling with depression, anxiety, or chronic stress. Many hide their suffering behind forced smiles and automatic responses like "I'm fine."

And that is why the first pillar of the Ana Lombard methodology focuses on STOP :

Learn to pause, breathe and thus be able to analyze the situation. This is an essential first step towards addressing mental and emotional health.

2. "OBSERVE" without blinders and with more perspective.

In our social media-centric era, we all show our best selves online. We post smiling photos and positive status updates, creating an illusion of constant happiness. But behind those images and words, lies a more complex reality.

The second pillar, “OBSERVE,” urges us to look beyond appearances, considering multiple perspectives, including that of our mental and emotional well-being.

3. IDENTIFY: Breaking prejudices.

Prejudice surrounding both mental and emotional health can be a major barrier to seeking help.

According to the WHO, 50% of mental health problems in adults begin before the age of 14, and 75% before the age of 18.

Nearly 450 million people around the world are affected by a mental health problem that seriously complicates their lives, and nearly 800,000 people commit suicide each year, being the second cause of death in people between 15 and 29 years old. .

These data underscore the urgency of transforming mental and emotional health and related care, both personal and work-related.

In a world where we spend a significant part of our lives in the work environment, we cannot ignore the profound influence it has on our mental health.

We know that, in Spain, between 11% and 27% of mental health problems can be attributed to working conditions , and 8 out of 10 people with mental health problems are not employed (83.1%).

However, even a fairly small percentage of these people face these challenges. If you find yourself in this situation, seek help or treatment!

But it's time to change this. Campaigns like #MentalHealthMatters are making a global call for people to talk openly and honestly about their mental and emotional struggles.

In this context, Ana Lombard's "IDENTIFY" pillar takes on a new meaning.

Assertively and comprehensively identify the barriers that prevent you from seeking help.

4. Concrete Actions for Change, "ACT":

How can we break prejudices?

1. Let 's practice understanding. Let's actively listen when someone wants to talk about their mental and emotional health, and show empathy instead of judgment.

2. Let 's be honest about our own mental and emotional challenges. By sharing our experiences, we show others that they are not alone.

3. Let's support organizations and resources committed to raising awareness and supporting mental and emotional health.

Inconvenient truths about mental and emotional health can no longer be ignored. We all have a role to play in the fight against prejudice.

Let's work together to create a world where people feel comfortable, sharing their struggles and seeking help when they need it. Let's break the masks, raise our voices and prioritize mental and emotional health.

If you would like to learn more about how to care for your mental and emotional health, explore our resources and additional articles at

Additionally, our online academy offers the "HEALTHY HABITS AND STRESS" course with three classes designed to help you master stress and improve your emotional and physical well-being:

Class 1: EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT: Find your Antidotes to Stress

Class 2: MASTER STRESS: Increase your well-being

Class 3: BREATH AND RELAXATION: Balance your life

We hope these resources are helpful to you on your journey toward better mental and emotional health!

Remember to share this article if you think it can help someone and dare to share your observations :)

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